White House to Release Executive Order on Cryptocurrencies
A dear friend once said to me, “If every person spent a half an hour a day trying to make the world better for everyone maybe it would happen.”
Recently, the White House has taken steps to better understand cryptocurrencies and more effectively incorporate them into our economy. Renew the Earth would like to suggest a cryptocurrency that cannot be saved/invested or taxed, and can only be exchanged for basic human needs – food, shelter, education, healthcare. A dedicated cryptocurrency that does not interfere with existing currencies, while it functions to stabilize human communities by making sure basic needs are met.
About the executive order
According to Bloomberg, the Biden administration is set to release an executive order as early as this month that will direct federal agencies to evaluate the risks and opportunities of cryptocurrencies, (Bitcoin). While they are looking things over this may be the moment to introduce an Energy Currency system in the form of cryptocurrency. This would be a closed system that cannot be taxed or invested, used only in the exchange of basic needs. A new way of using Bitcoin, a currency that is not the same as other representation of value like, paper money, stocks, precious metals, etc. An opportunity to define a new use for a new currency! It won’t interfere with the functioning of existing currencies or the interpretations of Bitcoin in other countries. The present “free floating” decentralized and virtual existence of Bitcoin makes it ideal for worldwide expansion that does not require printed script identifying where in the world it originates. Its potential for distribution of basic human needs is obvious. A powerful new dynamic can become part of the future of social economics; Bitcoin as a channel for survival needs and public infrastructure.
While policies concerning the U.S. attitude toward cryptocurrency are evolving, RTE would like their use to include development of a healthier more equitable future, not only the health of humans but that of nature – which are inseparable. If human basic needs are met we can all achieve happier more fulfilling lives. Allowing “crypto” Energy Currency to run parallel to existing currencies does not interfere with the “for profit” activities of other currencies. After being used to distribute basic needs Energy Currency is destroyed at the bank preventing inflation and speculation. An added benefit, based on our present understanding that our emphasis on “for profit” economics is one of the major factors driving Climate Change, by providing a non inflationary and efficient way to distribute basic needs helps renew the earth.
Learn more at: renew-the-earth.org Renew the Earth is a New York based 501(c)(3) whose goal is to introduce a new currency that will help transition to a world free of waste and inequity.
You may contact us today to learn more about our mission.
Awesome anyway