New Adventures…with Illyria and Sunny!

In this, the first chapter of the new series of Earthling Letters, I am going backward to go forward, using the characters Illyria and Sunny the Robot from the book “Illyria’s World”, once again. To read, please follow this link,

The ebook, Illyrias World, is posted for free on the website if you want to find out what they were up to in the past. By reanimating Illyria and Sunny in new fictional situations, I am hoping to widen the scope of what I can say. I still want to include science but also be able to enter into speculation. It is never to early to encourage creative thinking in children. My hope is that by presenting events where the characters take different sides of issues and don’t always agree, the reader is asked to engage their own judgement and imagine the resulting consequences, good, bad and in between. I think this may help children to think with more care and courage. And, in our present time of information excess, could be very useful.

Please forward this first chapter to any Earthlings or friends you think might be interested. Also, you may choose to refer them to the previous series of Earthling Letters. They can be found on the RTE website under Blogs. Lots of Science and things to do, for children 5 to 12 years old, and pictures too! Thank you for your support and kind interest,

Susan Caumont, Pres. RTE