RELACCX Conference Interview with Rengenuity
Our second interview was with Antonio Antonopoulos, Brandon Noakes (Millennium Energy Finance) and Jose Biaou (MEF). Their goal is to help small scale renewables get a sufficient amount of financing from private sources and in that way give banks confidence to provide the balance of funding necessary to make their project viable. We talked about…
Read MoreSustainable Agriculture – Interview with John Ikerd on 12/17/2014
The following are notes I took during the interview. I hope they give some sense of the feeling and scope of the conversation we had (Jeff Beller, John Ikerd and I). I suggest that you look it up in our archives and listen for yourself. It was an enjoyable experience for all of us and…
Read MoreRELACCX Conference Interview Notes
The goal that Jeff and I had was to record as many interviews as possible over the three days of the conference. In the end we were able to record more than 10 hours of conversation. All these interviews are archived here on RTE’s website so that you can listen to them when you wish.…
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